FCC HealthCare - Lagos, Nigeria
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Company name
FCC HealthCare
20A, Thompson Avenue, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
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Working hours
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: 24 hours
- Saturday: 24 hours
- Sunday: 24 hours
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Company description
First Cardiology consult (FCC) is a company created with a vision to be the avant-garde providers of cardiology and cardiovascular services of the highest quality in Nigeria.
Our vision is: “To set the standard of excellence in medical care in Africa”
The premise behind the creation of FCC is that the Nigerian market is mature and sophisticated enough to sustain locally, the same quality of cardiovascular healthcare services currently sought by Nigerians abroad. We have over the past eight years evolved to become a comprehensive multi-specialty hospital with the addition of cardiac surgery and other surgical specialties. Our company is now called FCC Healthcare.
For over 10 years, we have been delivering the highest quality comprehensive care in Nigeria by innovative use of
We put the patient first, and we have built a healthy medical environment to provide patients with comprehensive care, and deliver excellence in healthcare every day, and not just on some days.
Our vision is: “To set the standard of excellence in medical care in Africa”
The premise behind the creation of FCC is that the Nigerian market is mature and sophisticated enough to sustain locally, the same quality of cardiovascular healthcare services currently sought by Nigerians abroad. We have over the past eight years evolved to become a comprehensive multi-specialty hospital with the addition of cardiac surgery and other surgical specialties. Our company is now called FCC Healthcare.
For over 10 years, we have been delivering the highest quality comprehensive care in Nigeria by innovative use of
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modern technology and a commitment to local capacity building, education, and collaborative research.We put the patient first, and we have built a healthy medical environment to provide patients with comprehensive care, and deliver excellence in healthcare every day, and not just on some days.
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