Whip-Smart Service Providers Limited - Ikeja, Nigeria
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Company name
Whip-Smart Service Providers Limited
25 Kayode Street, Ogba- Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
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Company description
Whip-smart service provider Ltd has its head office in Lagos Nigeria and was founded to provide service for our clients. We are your trusted partner in recruitment solutions for both corporate and domestic recruitment, Trainings and Consultancy Services. We understand the importance of finding the right individuals who can contribute to the success of your organization or enhance your household as we are focused on client’s satisfaction/ surpassing of expectations and employee job satisfaction.
We have been in operation since 2018, we offer an array of Recruitment and Training/Consulting services to Governments, Corporate Organizations and Individuals, principally to assist our clients realize projects, improve efficiency and build human capacity. Our purpose is to partner with our
Our agency is designed to initiate and propel the growth of your organization by providing the most qualified and skilled workers to meet the needs of our clients. Whip-smart service providers Ltd originated from a desire to reform the status of the job market and provide employers with quality workers, saving businesses time and money, while incorporating honesty and honor in our business.
Our recruitment approach is focused on finding the right talent for your organization, we pride ourselves on our extensive network and in-depth knowledge of the recruitment industry which makes us capable to carry out the task of identifying and engaging qualified candidates
Our process is simple and powered by technology, we invite you to explore our services if you’re building your marketing function, growing sales or hiring product leaders, trust our recruitment agency to deliver an efficient and high quality experience for you and your candidates. We source referrals from top industry leaders and we connect you with sought after candidates for your role.
We have been in operation since 2018, we offer an array of Recruitment and Training/Consulting services to Governments, Corporate Organizations and Individuals, principally to assist our clients realize projects, improve efficiency and build human capacity. Our purpose is to partner with our
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clients in locating and training staff that will improve the fortunes of their organizations, and provide ease in bespoke household staffing.Our agency is designed to initiate and propel the growth of your organization by providing the most qualified and skilled workers to meet the needs of our clients. Whip-smart service providers Ltd originated from a desire to reform the status of the job market and provide employers with quality workers, saving businesses time and money, while incorporating honesty and honor in our business.
Our recruitment approach is focused on finding the right talent for your organization, we pride ourselves on our extensive network and in-depth knowledge of the recruitment industry which makes us capable to carry out the task of identifying and engaging qualified candidates
Our process is simple and powered by technology, we invite you to explore our services if you’re building your marketing function, growing sales or hiring product leaders, trust our recruitment agency to deliver an efficient and high quality experience for you and your candidates. We source referrals from top industry leaders and we connect you with sought after candidates for your role.
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