Samade logistics solutions limited - Lagos, Nigeria
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Company name
Samade logistics solutions limited
20 Agbabiaka street, mushin road, isolo, Lagos, 41, Olabod Ojomu, 56, Akindele coker, Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria
Contact number
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Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Mr Samuel Olugbenga Establishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
Samade logistics solutions Ltd is a global logistics company that finds solutions to all logistics problems, at Samade logistics solutions Ltd we represent our client's interest in all logistics and supply chain matters so that you can have enough time to focus on your core areas of specialization.
Our main duty is make sure we deliver your trust all the time so that you can have the following benefit
1.Profit Maximization
2.Cost minimization
Our areas of specialization are:
1. Pick up and delivery services
2. Import and export services
3. Local transportation
4. Hiring of self loading equipments
5. Hiring of forklifts of different sizes
6. Hiring of different sizes of vehicles
7. Freight forwarding services
8. Transportation services
9. Fleet management
10. Airport and seaport operations
Our main duty is make sure we deliver your trust all the time so that you can have the following benefit
1.Profit Maximization
2.Cost minimization
Our areas of specialization are:
1. Pick up and delivery services
2. Import and export services
3. Local transportation
4. Hiring of self loading equipments
5. Hiring of forklifts of different sizes
6. Hiring of different sizes of vehicles
7. Freight forwarding services
8. Transportation services
9. Fleet management
10. Airport and seaport operations
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