Agrifa International Limited - Lagos, Nigeria
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Company name
Agrifa International Limited
18 Oyefeso Ave, Obanikoro, Lagos 102216, Lagos, Nigeria
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Agrifa is a B2B food processing company headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria, that is bringing the best of West-African superfoods to the world. The company supplies processed goods, either as raw materials or finished goods, to food distributors, re-packagers, companies looking to offer private labels.
Agrifa owns and operates a 300ha, fully irrigated plantain farm that produces high-quality bunches year-round for its processing needs. The company also closely collaborates with both large and small local plantain farming communities to implement its vision of creating fair and equitable value chains. As such, Agrifa provides farming communities with high quality organic planting materials and farming extension services to ensure they implement sustainable organic farming practices. Agrifa
Agrifa owns and operates a modern – ISO 22000 –and highly automated transformation plant that adheres to internationally recognized food safety management standards applicable to companies participating, directly or indirectly, in food production. Agrifa supplies both pallets of processed raw materials and fully packaged goods, including standing pouches with zippers for private labels. Regardless of their preferences, Agrifa offers incredible, affordable, and naturally grown African superfoods to its customers.
Agrifa owns and operates a 300ha, fully irrigated plantain farm that produces high-quality bunches year-round for its processing needs. The company also closely collaborates with both large and small local plantain farming communities to implement its vision of creating fair and equitable value chains. As such, Agrifa provides farming communities with high quality organic planting materials and farming extension services to ensure they implement sustainable organic farming practices. Agrifa
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purchases all the farming communities' harvested produce based on a price per kilogram that ensures all farmers earn fair wages for their hard work.Agrifa owns and operates a modern – ISO 22000 –and highly automated transformation plant that adheres to internationally recognized food safety management standards applicable to companies participating, directly or indirectly, in food production. Agrifa supplies both pallets of processed raw materials and fully packaged goods, including standing pouches with zippers for private labels. Regardless of their preferences, Agrifa offers incredible, affordable, and naturally grown African superfoods to its customers.
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