PeerRenting - Ibadan, Nigeria
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Oyo, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Company description
PeerRenting is Nigeria's premier and largest online peer-to-peer renting and collaborative consumption platform. It provides a platform for people to rent out their items, products, and personal property to those in need in order to earn extra money and save on the cost of purchase. Individuals can easily upload their products to and have them available for rent after they have been reviewed. PeerRenting takes care of all the logistics, from delivering the products to renters to picking up and returning the product to its owner after use.
PeerRenting seeks to inspire a new way of thinking in society: to prevent excessive consumption and introduce a legal, innovative, and cost-effective solution for our users to make extra money. Additionally, PeerRenting is an
PeerRenting seeks to inspire a new way of thinking in society: to prevent excessive consumption and introduce a legal, innovative, and cost-effective solution for our users to make extra money. Additionally, PeerRenting is an
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environmentally-friendly business as it encourages the optimal use of already-purchased products by multiple people, reducing the harm done to the environment from overproduction, as well as minimizing wastage of space and under-utilization of products.Listed in categories
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