fb.me/HPDoctorsonDemand - Lagos, Nigeria
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Lagos, Nigeria
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Company description
Doctors onDemand Company is a Tech Startup from Nigeria, in partnership with OnDemand Startup, a tech Solution Company based in Boston, USA. Our founders, Oluwaseyi Akinde and Mariam Jimoh, are innovators, entrepreneurs, and strategists on a mission to deliver the future of healthcare services in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. We are driven by innovation and digital solutions, with the goal of ending poor access to medical services in the region.
Our vision is healthcare for all. With the Healthplan+ Doctors onDemand mobile app, your doctor will be just a few clicks away, and it can be used to call an ambulance in case of emergency. Our aim and objective is to scale up access to medical services and caregivers, allowing Nigerians to get instant access to medical professionals. We plan
The Healthplan+ Doctors onDemand mobile app will have several features, such as social sign-in, booking an appointment with a doctor, having a doctor visit you at home, calling an ambulance, searching for specialized doctors, reviewing and ratings of doctors, and patients' medical history record. This app will increase the number of doctors in operation, raise income for doctors, and create easy access to affordable and quality medical care for all. Additionally, users can buy drugs from trusted pharmaceutical stores with delivery in minutes to their location.
We are seeking an
Our vision is healthcare for all. With the Healthplan+ Doctors onDemand mobile app, your doctor will be just a few clicks away, and it can be used to call an ambulance in case of emergency. Our aim and objective is to scale up access to medical services and caregivers, allowing Nigerians to get instant access to medical professionals. We plan
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to use the digitization of the Nigerian population to empower the country in the health sector.The Healthplan+ Doctors onDemand mobile app will have several features, such as social sign-in, booking an appointment with a doctor, having a doctor visit you at home, calling an ambulance, searching for specialized doctors, reviewing and ratings of doctors, and patients' medical history record. This app will increase the number of doctors in operation, raise income for doctors, and create easy access to affordable and quality medical care for all. Additionally, users can buy drugs from trusted pharmaceutical stores with delivery in minutes to their location.
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