Areabuzz - Nsukka, Nigeria
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Enugu, Nsukka, Nigeria
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Company description
Areabuzz is an innovative mobile platform designed to help people in the same geographical area (cities, small towns, villages, neighborhoods, or communities) connect and share information. With the help of GPS-enabled smart phones, Areabuzz locates its users and allows them to easily communicate and trade with each other, as well as local businesses. It also provides users with access to emergency services, and allows them to share information about important local events, opportunities, and other issues.
Areabuzz has three distinct features that make it stand out. The Location News Feed enables users to share and receive local information instantly. Areamart provides a secure local eCommerce platform for users to trade and find products and services. Finally, the Emergency feature
Areabuzz has three distinct features that make it stand out. The Location News Feed enables users to share and receive local information instantly. Areamart provides a secure local eCommerce platform for users to trade and find products and services. Finally, the Emergency feature
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alerts users when they are close to an emergency situation, and provides them with access to the closest emergency service.Listed in categories
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