MIGRANTS' VOICE - Lagos, Nigeria
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With Us
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Suite 18 Solomon Banjo Plaza,by Utobor Juction,Irawo,off Ikorodu Road Lagos State , Nigeria
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Company description
MIGRANTS'VOICE is a group of young men and women from Nigeria who were either Deported or Voluntarily returned from all parts of the world and have resolved to be useful to themselves and the society by engaging in gainful ventures thereby shunning vices, crime and criminality.
We took this pathway after a careful study of the Human Trafficking, Cultism, Irregular Migration and the Modern day slavery issues across Nigeria, Africa and Europe as we observed that a great gag existed. In the words of Aristotle, Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom," This school of thought prompted us to seek for support and partnerships to check the glaring anomaly in every nooks and crannies of our country before taking the fight outside the shores.
Our aim is to stop Irregular Migration
To bring to fore the good things in Regular Migration and stern the wave of death and anguish by Irregular Migration in Libya and Mediterranean sea in search of greener pastures
To highlight developmental opportunities that youths and vulnerable people can harness
To project Nigeria's effort at eradicating the menace of Human Trafficking and Irregular Migration and to promote Regular Migration
Parents, Guardians, Youths, Opinion Leaders, Governments and International Community
1. To address the totality of Human Trafficking as it affects Nigerians
2. To address Irregular Migration/Migration smuggling
3. To re-orientate people about the hazard of prostitution and sex slavery
4. To refocus our minds on lost Cultural values and Moral Standards with the "Change Begins With Me" slogan of this administration
5. To bring to fore Child Right, Gender Equality and Girl Child Education in Nigeria
According to the thinker Albert Einstein, "Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value," This admonition has been the bedrock of our programming and Advocacies since we came together as a group, thereby working for the collective interest of returnees.
We took this pathway after a careful study of the Human Trafficking, Cultism, Irregular Migration and the Modern day slavery issues across Nigeria, Africa and Europe as we observed that a great gag existed. In the words of Aristotle, Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom," This school of thought prompted us to seek for support and partnerships to check the glaring anomaly in every nooks and crannies of our country before taking the fight outside the shores.
Our aim is to stop Irregular Migration
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through sensitization and get involved in Door-to-Door Advocacy against human trafficking. We hope to join in the propagation of stay and Develop Your Country sensitization,' as well as the advocacies for Universal Returnees in Nigeria, say No-To Human trafficking, and above all, to Develop and Empower ourselves through our collective giving, donations, grants and funding from individuals and donor agencies.OUR VISION:
To bring to fore the good things in Regular Migration and stern the wave of death and anguish by Irregular Migration in Libya and Mediterranean sea in search of greener pastures
To highlight developmental opportunities that youths and vulnerable people can harness
To project Nigeria's effort at eradicating the menace of Human Trafficking and Irregular Migration and to promote Regular Migration
Parents, Guardians, Youths, Opinion Leaders, Governments and International Community
1. To address the totality of Human Trafficking as it affects Nigerians
2. To address Irregular Migration/Migration smuggling
3. To re-orientate people about the hazard of prostitution and sex slavery
4. To refocus our minds on lost Cultural values and Moral Standards with the "Change Begins With Me" slogan of this administration
5. To bring to fore Child Right, Gender Equality and Girl Child Education in Nigeria
According to the thinker Albert Einstein, "Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value," This admonition has been the bedrock of our programming and Advocacies since we came together as a group, thereby working for the collective interest of returnees.
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