Nigeria at 59 National Day Awards 2019 - Abuja
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Nigeria at 59 National Day Awards 2019
Edo House Suite 5-05, Fifth Floor Plot 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
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BuchiEstablishment year
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Company description
The Nigeria National Day Awards are a means of recognizing various forms of merit and service to Nigeria. This year, a total of 32 individuals in 23 award categories received National Day Honours.
Trade Nigeria is pleased to announce that several awards will be conferred individuals for their exceptional achievements. Their various victory and successes moved the entire nation and inspired young citizens and Nigerians to set new goals, reach for their dreams and pursue their aspirations.
These awards serve as an encouragement and recognition of the hard work by the people who have helped them get to where they are today after years of dogged determination, their pursuit of excellence, discipline and drive will inspire an entire generation of young people. Their achievements have
The Awards will be presented to recipients at the upcoming Nigeria-Asia Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation by President of the business delegation to Asia 2019.
The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center seeks to inspire Nigerians through the arts and sports, strengthen community bonds, and promote volunteerism and philanthropy. Since its inception, The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center has been actively engaging the arts, heritage, sports, community, trade exchange and youth sectors. The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center aims to bring into sharper focus the efforts to build a more cohesive and vibrant society and to deepen a sense of identity and belonging to the nation.
The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center will work with its stakeholders to create an environment where Nigerians can pursue their aspirations for a better quality of life and together, build a gracious and caring society we are proud to call home.
Trade Nigeria is pleased to announce that several awards will be conferred individuals for their exceptional achievements. Their various victory and successes moved the entire nation and inspired young citizens and Nigerians to set new goals, reach for their dreams and pursue their aspirations.
These awards serve as an encouragement and recognition of the hard work by the people who have helped them get to where they are today after years of dogged determination, their pursuit of excellence, discipline and drive will inspire an entire generation of young people. Their achievements have
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brought tremendous pride to the country. The Nigeria National Day Award is a well-deserved recognition of their contribution to economic excellence and for their impact on the society, particularly with the youth.The Awards will be presented to recipients at the upcoming Nigeria-Asia Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation by President of the business delegation to Asia 2019.
The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center seeks to inspire Nigerians through the arts and sports, strengthen community bonds, and promote volunteerism and philanthropy. Since its inception, The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center has been actively engaging the arts, heritage, sports, community, trade exchange and youth sectors. The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center aims to bring into sharper focus the efforts to build a more cohesive and vibrant society and to deepen a sense of identity and belonging to the nation.
The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center will work with its stakeholders to create an environment where Nigerians can pursue their aspirations for a better quality of life and together, build a gracious and caring society we are proud to call home.
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