Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Abuja
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Listing - +6Years
With Us
Company name
Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Edo House Suite 5-05, Fifth Floor Plot 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 5:00
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 5:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 5:00
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 5:00
- Friday: 10:00 am - 5:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
BuchiEstablishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
The Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NSKCCI) was set up for joint business growth and expansion. It is a partner chamber of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), a Korea based globe chamber of commerce. Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NSKCCI) also represents Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in Nigeria with its office Edo House
Suite 5-05, Fifth Floor Plot 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja .
It was founded with the support of the Korean Ambassador to Nigeria and Nigerian Head of Missions/Embassy Seoul, Korea and Nigerian Presidency and orchestrated, designed and birthed by the visionier Honourable Nwabuaeze Buchi George. The current president of Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and
We organize workshops, business luncheons, seminars, trade fairs, trade mission, members' evening and other such activities that aid trade and investment.
Our membership base range from the small and medium enterprises to world-leading multinational corporations.
Our vision is to be the foremost channel of trade and commerce between Nigeria and South Korea.
Our mission is to continuously encourage and promote mutually beneficial trade relations between Nigeria and South Korea.
Provide a forum representative of Nigerian and Swiss interests to promote bilateral commerce.
Enable regular exchange of information on trade and investment opportunities amongst members.
Advise the Governments of Nigeria and South Korea on matters pertaining to bilateral trade relations.
Advise members on local constraints arising from the pursuit of bilateral trade.
Organise regular gatherings to encourage members to meet and discuss problems of mutual concern.
Maintain a close liaison with all relevant Government authorities and representative bodies.
The Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a membership-based business community.
Individuals and corporates with a relation to South Korea can apply to become members.
We are the foremost channel of trade and commerce between Nigeria and South Korea.
This organization is dedicated to assisting local and global businesses to grow economically while maintaining the cultural beauty and civic welfare of the communities we serve.
Joining the Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry brings credibility to your business, increases your visibility within the community, creates networking opportunities, chamber sponsored events and program opportunities.
Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry...for joint business growth and expansion.
NSKCCI - International Joint Business Alliance for Corporate business Investment, Trade, Commerce, Culture and Economic Exchange between Nigeria and South Korea.
Suite 5-05, Fifth Floor Plot 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja .
It was founded with the support of the Korean Ambassador to Nigeria and Nigerian Head of Missions/Embassy Seoul, Korea and Nigerian Presidency and orchestrated, designed and birthed by the visionier Honourable Nwabuaeze Buchi George. The current president of Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and
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Industry (NSKCCI).We organize workshops, business luncheons, seminars, trade fairs, trade mission, members' evening and other such activities that aid trade and investment.
Our membership base range from the small and medium enterprises to world-leading multinational corporations.
Our vision is to be the foremost channel of trade and commerce between Nigeria and South Korea.
Our mission is to continuously encourage and promote mutually beneficial trade relations between Nigeria and South Korea.
Provide a forum representative of Nigerian and Swiss interests to promote bilateral commerce.
Enable regular exchange of information on trade and investment opportunities amongst members.
Advise the Governments of Nigeria and South Korea on matters pertaining to bilateral trade relations.
Advise members on local constraints arising from the pursuit of bilateral trade.
Organise regular gatherings to encourage members to meet and discuss problems of mutual concern.
Maintain a close liaison with all relevant Government authorities and representative bodies.
The Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a membership-based business community.
Individuals and corporates with a relation to South Korea can apply to become members.
We are the foremost channel of trade and commerce between Nigeria and South Korea.
This organization is dedicated to assisting local and global businesses to grow economically while maintaining the cultural beauty and civic welfare of the communities we serve.
Joining the Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry brings credibility to your business, increases your visibility within the community, creates networking opportunities, chamber sponsored events and program opportunities.
Nigeria South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry...for joint business growth and expansion.
NSKCCI - International Joint Business Alliance for Corporate business Investment, Trade, Commerce, Culture and Economic Exchange between Nigeria and South Korea.
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