Derebels_Records - Abuja, Nigeria
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Listing - +6Years
With Us
Company name
No4 rebels, Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
Contact number
Working hours
- Monday: 10:00am-8:00pm
- Tuesday: 10:00am-8:00pm
- Wednesday: 10:00am-8:00pm
- Thursday: 10:00am-8:00pm
- Friday: 10:00am-8:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am-8:00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
11-15E-mail address
Company description
Derebels_Records is a nigerian based record label that focuses on what is important; investing in the music and talented artists
that create it. We believe in creating a collaborative and innovative environment where our artist can
thrive and reach their maximum potential in a stress free atmosphere.
Our Vision is defined by the word one. We are one team, with one vision, and one goal. We work
together as one collective unit, producing all styles of great house music!
We pride ourselves as being a youthful and forward thinking management company that embraces
innovation, takes advantage of cutting-edge Internet strategies and international our network of
affiliates , while still understanding the invaluable knowledge we can gain from industry veterans.
Derebels_recprds is
core values of focusing on providing the resources and services needed so our artists can focus on their
music. We reinvest everything into developing new talent for the love of the music.
We remain focused on our role as administrators, facilitators, and a support network for our artists. We
take pride in being the main source of management, booking and production of house music.
We are an environment where great music, great minds, and great energy meet. Be one with us and
come join the International House Movement!
that create it. We believe in creating a collaborative and innovative environment where our artist can
thrive and reach their maximum potential in a stress free atmosphere.
Our Vision is defined by the word one. We are one team, with one vision, and one goal. We work
together as one collective unit, producing all styles of great house music!
We pride ourselves as being a youthful and forward thinking management company that embraces
innovation, takes advantage of cutting-edge Internet strategies and international our network of
affiliates , while still understanding the invaluable knowledge we can gain from industry veterans.
Derebels_recprds is
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first and foremost an initiative of good-will. We are about maintaining our uncompromisingcore values of focusing on providing the resources and services needed so our artists can focus on their
music. We reinvest everything into developing new talent for the love of the music.
We remain focused on our role as administrators, facilitators, and a support network for our artists. We
take pride in being the main source of management, booking and production of house music.
We are an environment where great music, great minds, and great energy meet. Be one with us and
come join the International House Movement!
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Products & Services 1
- Record labelDerebels_Records is a nigerian based record label that focus...
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