Self Discovery Network - Abuja, Nigeria
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With Us
Company name
Self Discovery Network
suit 75 dansville plaza, Apo, Gudu Abuja, Nigeria
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Mrs G. IgyorEstablishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
The Self Discovery Network powered byAwesome inciter has been a positive blackberry and WhatsApp community of people helping people since 2010. Our mission is to change your thoughts; one day at a time by helping you reach your potential through daily BC's and our monthly free Network Meetings. We emphasize on Self-Discovery, networking, entrepreneurship empowerment, support, and business opportunities for anyone who is interested in having different streams of income, we also are a platform to position you towards your goals and visions, which is the next iteration of personal development.
Through our SELF DISCOVERY NETWORK, Our mandate is to inspire, empower and support, with speakers that address mind, body, business and financial interests. Our aim is for everyone to always come
We want you to connect and share, and to strengthen the facets of your life that keep you in balance: career, social, financial, health and wellness.
We are a Vehicle of Human Potential and we have helped thousands of people reach their potential, and we can help you reach yours too. We share and introduce ourselves to the reality of a sustained, intimate and fulfilling life.
One thing for sure, whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur, a professional, or simply someone searching for answers, you can benefit from this network.
If you are interested in being part of our Network, or to attend the meeting please book reservations on :
08075798066 WhatsApp, bbpin 2bc249e5
08090746293, 08090561086.
Through our SELF DISCOVERY NETWORK, Our mandate is to inspire, empower and support, with speakers that address mind, body, business and financial interests. Our aim is for everyone to always come
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and leave encouraged with the hope of a new beginning, and renewed determination.We want you to connect and share, and to strengthen the facets of your life that keep you in balance: career, social, financial, health and wellness.
We are a Vehicle of Human Potential and we have helped thousands of people reach their potential, and we can help you reach yours too. We share and introduce ourselves to the reality of a sustained, intimate and fulfilling life.
One thing for sure, whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur, a professional, or simply someone searching for answers, you can benefit from this network.
If you are interested in being part of our Network, or to attend the meeting please book reservations on :
08075798066 WhatsApp, bbpin 2bc249e5
08090746293, 08090561086.
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