LakeView Aquarium - Lagos, Nigeria

LakeView Aquarium
LakeView Aquarium
LakeView Aquarium
  • Verified
  • +9Years
    With Us
Company name
LakeView Aquarium
Marine Sciences, Faculty of science, Unilag, Lagos, Nigeria
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
  • Monday: 8am- 6pm
  • Tuesday: 8am- 6pm
  • Wednesday: 8am- 6pm
  • Thursday: 8am- 6pm
  • Friday: 8am- 6pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Mr. D.F Adebayo
Establishment year
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Company description
LakeView Aquarium is a build to order aquarium system that allows you to choose what configuration you want based on your specific needs. And, with our free delivery and refundable moving kits, even the largest aquariums can be easy to install in your home or office.

Advanced Experience and Engineering
Our Lifetime Aquarium systems are designed by professional service technicians as well as professional engineers to accomplish the goal of versatility and unmatched lifetime durability.

The Difference
We don't just design aquariums for the short term or follow the latest trends. When we install an aquarium we don't just sell it to a customer and forget about it, we stand behind the aquarium and maintain it for the life of the service account. This means any time something goes  
Show more wrong with one of our service accounts, we are directly responsible for the costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the aquarium as well as all of the associated equipment. This cost does not get passed along to the customer. This gives us a unique advantage to design products from the point of view of the end customer with the goal of having low lifetime operating costs and lasting quality.

Over the course of many years installing and maintaining aquariums, we continually found fatal flaws to all the various aquarium and filtration systems out there. These flaws create inconvenience, cost money, and negatively affect the overall customer experience. Rather than continue to deal with these flaws we dedicated our vast experience and knowledge to creating the best possible solutions by breaking down and solving each problem one at a time. The result is the revolutionary Lifetime Aquarium® System, the Seamless Sump® system, the H2Overflow®, the Siphon Stopper®, and the Majestic® stands and canopies. All of these revolutionary ideas were born out of vast real world experience with our aquariums. We thought not only about how to manufacture the most versatile low maintenance aquarium systems possible, but how to make it last as long as possible.

Where other companies design products so they can sell you expendables (ie. disposable filter cartridges, parts that purposely wear out, etc...) to nickel and dime you for all of eternity, we design our products to be easy to service and last a long, long time with minimal long term expense. After countless installations and services, thousands of hours of design, re-design, prototyping, and testing with our engineers, consultation with our full time professional service technicians (some with 17 years experience), as well as other aquarium industry experts all over the country, we have developed what is the most comprehensive, quality, built to order aquarium and filter system on the market that is built to last a LIFETIME

. We designed all the products from the ground up, and take no short cuts with our design.
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