Skytrain Electronics Limited - Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Skytrain Electronics Limited
Skytrain Electronics Limited
Skytrain Electronics Limited
Skytrain Electronics Limited
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  • +9Years
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Skytrain Electronics Limited
58A Nwavigwe street , Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria
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Company description
What is today known as SKYTRAIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED started as students’ projects when in 2010 Ogbonna Onyekachi, a then final year student in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Federal University of Technology Owerri choose a project topic titled “The Design and Implementation of an Electronic Menu Display”. Despite all the challenges, Kachi would go ahead with the help of his project partners and hard work to implement and defend the project successfully. But the project by Kachi had some limitations notably lack of flexibility since the keypads can only display pre-programmed message and also the use of cables to connect the display board to the keypads.

These limitations of inflexibility and inmobility prompted Ukpa Ogbu Samuel to review the project  
Show more as his own final year project in 2012. The one time solution he introduced was interfacing the display board with a GSM whereby messages to Digital Displays board can be sent remotely via SMS. The successful implementation and defense of that project made it to be adjudged as the best project for that set as it was used in Futo Intellectual Products Exhibition "FUTOLITE 2013". This was a rewarding experience for Samuel who has since 2008 been seeking solutions to the ever consuming nature of Africans when it comes to the area of technology through consistent research in the area of embedded systems.

But it was in 2014 that Kachi and Samuel decided to join forces and launch out as a commercial venture with the name Skytrain Digital Consults The company was born out of the passion to solve the following identified needs: Change the world’s perception of Africa as a perpetual consumer of technology without any will to contribute to its development (bridging the digital gap) Create an opportunity for youths to release their potentials Help young people have a better understanding of the word “success” and how to achieve same (value re-orientation) To provide options for Nigerian youths thereby proving that they are not stranded Reduce graduate unemployment and underemployment in Nigeria Reduce the high rate of insecurity by eradicating youth restiveness in Nigeria. Skytrain Digital Consult was incorporated as a limited liability company on the 31st of July, 2014.


1 Review
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Skytrain electronics has a very good vision which i love as a nigerian and african ,the leadership is hardworking and focused and soon the vision will be realized and the hard work so far will be duely rewarded

Questions & Answers

Pls skyttrain, I want to know whether you have training centre in Lagos, if yes, where and how much is the training fee per course?

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