Smatforms - Ikeja, Nigeria

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  • +11Years
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A-60, Asset Corp Plaza, 21, Awolwo Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
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Apeh Gabriel
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Company description
Smatforms Mobile Application is a service of A-Anora Global Services ltd; we started off as a mobile devices distribution company in 2008.

Over the past four years, we have seen a remarkable growth in the smart phone sales segment of our business; prices of the smart phones are declining and will continue to decline in the foreseeable future. The phones are getting “smarter”, the price of data bundle is also on a downward trend, meaning access to the internet is more through mobile devices other than the traditional desktop- the ‘Smart Phone Mobile Revolution’ is born. Our quest to add value to the ‘Smart Phone Mobile Revolution’ value chain gave birth to the Smatforms Mobile Application.

What We Do-Making the Critical ‘First Mile’ of Business Smarter

Show more Smatforms, "First Mile" basically means having the ability to capture the document or information at the very beginning of the process to speed the whole process up and eliminate bottlenecks along the way. For example a sales rep that is out in the field and needs to process an important document from a customer. He can use his iPad, iPhone, or smart phone to Mobile Capture the information (Signature, photo, GPS etc) and deliver it right into the appropriate business system to start the process before he even leave the sales site.

This ability has huge advantages and allows them to offer unmatched customer service and process times. It's a great competitive edge for a company to have over its competitors that it can get the job done faster, cheaper, and more accurately than they can.

Smatforms Mobile App dramatically transforms and simplifies
the business critical ‘First Mile’ of real time, information intensive customer interactions. In doing so, organizations can significantly increase their responsiveness to customers, provide a higher level of service, gain competitive advantage and better manage and grow their businesses while also greatly reducing operating costs.
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