Hebron House Drug Rehabilitation Centre - Lagos, Nigeria
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Company name
Hebron House Drug Rehabilitation Centre
Plot 118, Femi Ayantuga Street, Surulere, Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
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Questions & Answers
Please i have a daughtér who is 30 years old a British citizen.but joined me in Nigeria. But have noticed that she is on drugs and heavy drinking. And has been seen wondering around aimlessly pls sen me the cost for a 3 months programme at the rehab
Pls I need your address
I am a father looking for help for a 22 years old son who is in to the smoking of Indian hemp. He was rusticated from his school ( University of Ilorin) at the final.
My name is blessing. How do I get admitted and what services and departments does your facility have?
Afternoon my name is Curtis, I seek to be briefed on how equipped your facilities are , and how your programs go if it's free or being paid for in essence? Will be expecting your reply. Thank you.
My name is Oluwole Adeniran. I will like to find out how you admit a drug addict.
Good morning.
My name is Pastor Mary and I am in Lagos.
I'll like to me some enquiries about your center.I have a teenange Boy my church who has a drug addiction problem that I am trying to get help for.Pls is your facilities a christian one ?
Also,I'll like to have the phone number of the facilities as well as the time that you open.
Thanking for a prompt response.
My name is Pastor Mary and I am in Lagos.
I'll like to me some enquiries about your center.I have a teenange Boy my church who has a drug addiction problem that I am trying to get help for.Pls is your facilities a christian one ?
Also,I'll like to have the phone number of the facilities as well as the time that you open.
Thanking for a prompt response.
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