UYI Technical Motors - Benin City, Nigeria
UYI Technical Motors
1 Review
UYI Technical Motors81, Mission Road
Company name
UYI Technical Motors
81, Mission Road, Benin City, Edo, Nigeria
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UYI Technical Motors81, Mission Road
Bad service, bad transport company
After much conviction from their operator, I decided this morning to try this transport company. I paid and after 3 to 4 hours, the bus was said to be in bad condition. Most of the passengers asked for a refund, but nobody answered us.
They had to start scouting for bus. I already paid #5200 and I'm not getting any refund after much plea.
I had to pay another transport company to continue my journey. This isn't good at all. This transport company is out there estorting money from innocent citizens. I advise anybody traveling not to patronise Uyi Motors unless they improve.
They had to start scouting for bus. I already paid #5200 and I'm not getting any refund after much plea.
I had to pay another transport company to continue my journey. This isn't good at all. This transport company is out there estorting money from innocent citizens. I advise anybody traveling not to patronise Uyi Motors unless they improve.
Questions & Answers
Do you have KIA v6 engine sensor and how much does it cost.
Pls I like to ask if I can get Toyota avensis 2003 model, front head lights for replacement on my car.dis is my number ********
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