Nigerian Red Cross Society - Lagos

Company name
Nigerian Red Cross Society
11 Eko-Akete Cl. Off St. Gregory Rd., S.W. Ikoyi, Box 764, Lagos, Nigeria
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Questions & Answers

Our school want to join red cross in lagos, how do we go about it?
Good day to you.
Please what will it cost me to be a member of Nigeria Red Cross Society. Thanks.
My friend is stranded in Lagos with no food or plane ticket home or money . He cannot get to the US Embassy due to it being so far away from his location and not having any money for a taxi. Is there any way that The Red Cross can help him in anyway , he needs to get home to his young boys.
I want to rescue my wife from Nigeria she is us citizen about 38yrs old her name is Jessica Scot
I would like to join the Red Cross society but don't know the necessary steps and things to do.
I have always been intrested to join red cross but the steps to take are far fetched, so please tell me what it takes to be a member

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