Nigeria Cassava Growers Association - Abuja

Nigeria Cassava Growers Association
  • Verified
Company name
Nigeria Cassava Growers Association
Area 11, Plot 1019 Gimbiya St, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria
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Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Cassava is the easiest crop to cultivate. Cassava grows with rain and survives with dews. Once it is established, it will survive whatever length of dry season. The major challenge of Cassava farming is the lack of adequate facilities for the ordinary Farmer to mechanize cultivation process, especially in the southern part of the country where tractable Farmland are not available and Tractors are grossly inadequate. An average Farmer in South Africa has about three tractors in his family, such that the farmer, wife and one of the children can work with the three tractors at the same time on the farm. A whole state in the southern part of Nigeria with a population of one million Farmers may have just fifty Tractors, 30 of which are not in working condition. The implication is that while  
Show more the south African farmer can reap 50mt of Cassava from an hectare of farmland, the Nigerian counterpart will reap 12mt.

Assuming both farmers cultivated at the cost of ₦150,000.00 per hectare, cost of production of one metric ton for the south African farmer is ₦3,000.00 while the cost of the Nigerian farmer is ₦12,500.00. It has been emphasized by our Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Dr. Akinwumi Adesina that subsistence farming that we still practice in Nigeria is a real punishment and indeed a curse.
The real worry of Nigeria Cassava Growers Association is that what is required of an appropriate land clearing is beyond the entire budget of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. There is need to clear 250,000 hectares at ₦200,000.00 per hectare in the rain and thick forest of the south. Cost of clearing includes creating blocks of five to ten hectares through demarcation and creating a fire tracing to address the menace of farm and the cattle rearers. The cost that will provide a solid foundation for the Nigerian prosperity through Cassava is “Land Clearing”. ₦30 billion in the north and ₦60 billion in the south will make 500,000 hectares available for mechanized farming.
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General Business
Nigeria Cassava Growers Association Abuja
Nigeria Cassava Growers Association (ncga)
Nigeria Cassava Growers Association State Headquar
Cassava Growers Association
Cassava Association of Nigeria
Nigerian Cassava Growers Association
Cassava Growers Association of Nigeria
Nigeria Cassava Growers Association Website
Cassava Farmers Association of Nigeria
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Nigeria Cassava Growers Association


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Questions & Answers

What are the the necessary requirements to join this association
Please what are the criteria to join this Association.
Sir, I just started with five acres of cassava farm at Ibadan. I want to know how much are they selling one ton of cassava tuber now. Also who are the buyers. Does this association has some specific and trusted buyers with whom I can be linked. Do you have office in Ibadan. How can I get loan to boost my farming. Where in Ibadan can I get vitamin A cassava stems.
I can get you cassava in any quantity. You can reach me on ********
Adegboyega, gd day, pls i need a link on how to be getting cassava daily in mass.. pls if u have a link, kindly call ******** or mail me on

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