Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF) (mgt. Board) - Abuja, Nigeria
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Company name
Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF) (mgt. Board)
Plot 622, Diplomatic Drive, Mission Road, Central Business District, FCT, Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
1-5E-mail address
Company description
The Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF) is a Nigerian Government-owned and managed Board that was established in 1978 to ensure equitable distribution of petroleum products across the country. PEF was established to ensure that all Nigerians, regardless of their geographical location, have access to petroleum products at the same price. The Board is empowered to collect and distribute funds to petroleum marketers in order to cover the cost of transporting petroleum products from the refineries to the end-users. In addition, PEF also provides financial assistance to petroleum marketers to enable them to purchase petroleum products from the refineries.
PEF's mission is to ensure that all Nigerians have access to petroleum products at the same price, regardless of their geographical
PEF's mission is to ensure that all Nigerians have access to petroleum products at the same price, regardless of their geographical
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location. This is achieved by providing financial assistance to petroleum marketers to enable them to purchase petroleum products from the refineries and by collecting and distributing funds to cover the cost of transporting petroleum products from the refineries to the end-users. As such, PEF is helping to improve the quality of life for all Nigerians by providing access to petroleum products at a fair and equitable price.Location map
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Good morning sir /ma... Does petroleum equalization fund accept corpers
Please does petroleum equalization fund accept corpers?
Could you be kind enough to notify me when Petroleum Equalization Fund (Mgt.)Board is recruiting?
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