National Directorate Of Employment (NDE Headquarters) - Abuja, Nigeria

1 Review
National Directorate Of Employment (NDE Headquarters)
  • Verified
Company name
National Directorate Of Employment (NDE Headquarters)
Plot 74, Nouakchott Street, Zone 1, P.M.B 104, Wuse, FCT, Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00
  • Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00
  • Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Job Search
Company description
The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) was established in November 1986. It began operations fully in January 1987. The birth of the Directorate was predicated on the effects of the economic recession of the 80’s which led to a drastic reduction in capacity utilization and consequent outright closure of industries in Nigeria. Equally, other macro-economic policies of the government of the day such as structural adjustment programme (SAP), devaluation of the Naira, privatization and commercialization of the economy, etc. resulted to massive job losses in both the public and private sectors of the economy. According to the Annual Report of the NDE 2013, unemployment rate had risen from 4.3% in 1985 to 7.0% at the beginning of 1987 because of the situation earlier stated.

As a  
Show more direct response to the rising trend of unemployment, the then military government headed by General Ibrahim B. Babangida, set up a committee headed by Mr. Stephen O. Chukwumah which was later to be popularly referred to as the Chukwumah Committee. The Committee was charged with the task of proffering a sustainable interventionist solution to mitigate the rising levels of unemployment in Nigeria. The Committee established that the informal sector of the national economy had operators and employees who were mainly low skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. They constitute about 90% of the workforce. This situation therefore, placed skills acquisition and training on the front burner of employment creation. Following the report of the Chukwumah Committee, the Federal Government established the NDE under decree No. 29 of 1989 which was replaced with ACT, CAP 250 of the Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999.
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1 Review
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Poor Service from Lagos branch staff
I called the staff no one is ready to pick up and after picking they have no good approach. They here means 2 not all.

It is so annoying calling those assign to assist people but misbehaving because there is no one to checkmark their work.

The reason why this country will never work is because those in position thinks they can do and undo. Unless we start getting it right things will further go down. I feel so hurt right now but I know it won't continue like this.

Questions & Answers

Why is it that NDE paid 30% out of 100% in Oyo state
Please, I need someone to help with NDE Office Buhari, address
Where are the branches of NDE in Lagos State? And how true is d information about the current recruitment for diploma/degree scheduled from 7/10/2019?
Morning, Can NDE assist co-operative in terms of training to its Member in order to be self - reliance.
240 trainees were posted to our institution DWIL Computers Maiduguri Borno State and we have conducted the training for three months successfully. It is now getting to three months after the training but we are yet to get our payment. When do we expect the payment sir.
Can NDE assist State Colleges of Education on developing their Entrepreneurship scheme
Please when is 2018 batch starting
Please I want to know the special attention NDE has towards the trainer who are training the students under them at the state level, (Kogi state) Training has been on Goining since August,the students will rand up by January 2018, and we the trainers are yet to be paid.
What are the handwork that I can learn?
View all 9 questions

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