Christian Pilgrim Welfare Board - Abuja, Nigeria

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Christian Pilgrim Welfare Board
Block 17, Angola Street, Zone 2, Wuse, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
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Questions & Answers

i and my husband will like to undertake the journey to the Holy land in 2016. please When the first Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Israel proceed in 2016? and how much is the total cost of the Pilgrimage, i.e. cost of flight, inland travel, hotel accommodation, and feeding? How many days will pilgrims stay in Jerusalem? What locations will be visited? Please let me have a feed back to enable me make plans to take part in the first Pilgrimage in 2016.
When will you undertake the first Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Israel in 2016? How much is the total cost of the Pilgrimage, i.e. cost of flight, inland travel, hotel accommodation, and feeding? How many days will the pilgrims stay in Jerusalem? What locations will be visited? Please let me have a feed back to enable me make plans to take part in the first Pilgrimage in 2016. Thank you. Lois
I want to know the total amount it will cost me to go to Jerusalem, Israel and when is the next time the intending prigrilm from abuja chapter of the board will be going?
Please do you have any punishment for anyone that did FRAUD, DUPED or CHEATED someone in CHRISTIAN PILGRIM WELFARE BOARD that located in any state in Nigeria? If the person that CHEATED someone is one of your workers, what will be the RESULT?
What is the aim and objective of CPWB?

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