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Nicon House 4th Floor 5, Customs Str,, Lagos Island, Lagos, Nigeria


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Questions & Answers

My daddy bought shares but he is late so I want to follow up on it. How do I do that please?
Good day my father have a share in center point securities limited He is late now I want to follow up with it and pls how am I to follow up
The names on Centre Point Securities Ltd returns no results. How do I resolve it and get dividend for my uncle?
My daddy bought shares but he is late so I want to follow up on it. How do I do that please?
My daddy bought tropical petroleum shares and has not received any dividend in the past years. How can this be resolved.
You are my share Broker but unfortunately, I travelled abroad and lost contact with you regarding my share dividend payments. I am trying to locate you to re-establish contact with you, to recover my lost share dividends.
Please, would you be kind enough to respond to this email and advice on best way to address this problem?

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