2 Reviews
MARIS SUPERMARKETPlot 109, Ikenegbu Layout
Company name
Plot 109, Ikenegbu Layout, Owerri, Nigeria
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MARIS SUPERMARKETPlot 109, Ikenegbu Layout
The book
I would love to know if you people have this book and the price? Pls reply me thank you so much
God bless you
Maris pls find out the price and get to me
God bless you
Maris pls find out the price and get to me
MARIS SUPERMARKETPlot 109, Ikenegbu Layout
When I thought that my 2 hour wait was coming to an end
I'm interested in Beauty soap Making on a small scale and I wanted to try out the effects of palm oil to my new 'beauty set' so, I asked the supermarket if they had refined palm oil( not red) and up till now I'm still waiting for a reply or feedback
..As a food store try to respond to questions faster and not just tell the person to hold on, and also stock up on you're items cause you guys are lacking variety
..As a food store try to respond to questions faster and not just tell the person to hold on, and also stock up on you're items cause you guys are lacking variety
Questions & Answers
Do you have dermaliss facial cleanser
I am your regular customer in Owerri. I want to confirm if you have rose water and lavender water, also the prices.
I want to buy some necessary things I need, am here in Owerri , can that be possible?
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