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Questions & Answers
I have a son, Joshua Enenche in UBE3.
What is the school fees for the third term for year 2016/2017 session. He did not bring home the letter usually given at the end of the term.
What is the school fees for the third term for year 2016/2017 session. He did not bring home the letter usually given at the end of the term.
1. Is your school a mixed school; or for boys or girls alone?
2. When are you resuming for the 2016/2017 academic year?
3. How can I get a JS2 and SS2 students transferred to your school?
4. What are the fees and other requirements for 3 above?
5. What other information do you consider necessary for new students transferring to your school?
2. When are you resuming for the 2016/2017 academic year?
3. How can I get a JS2 and SS2 students transferred to your school?
4. What are the fees and other requirements for 3 above?
5. What other information do you consider necessary for new students transferring to your school?
Please what is the school fees for jss3 second term 2015/2016 session?
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