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Company name
Yakubu Gowon Way, P. O. Box, 2156, Kaduna, Nigeria
Contact number
+234 6 224 7785
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company description
The National Population Commission (NPopC) of Nigeria was established by the Federal Government in 1988. It has the statutory powers to collect, analyze and disseminate demographic data in the country. It is also mandated to undertake demographic sample surveys, compile, collate and publish migration and civil registration statistics as well as monitor the country's Population Policy.
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Questions & Answers
Good day sir/ma, please I registered for NPC ad-hoc staff last two days but I didn't receive my one time password because my phone on DND, but I've removed it now can you please ma/sir help me resend it.
What are the procedures for obtaining death certificate?
Pls my towns man a civil servant died as a result of armed robbers attack. I went to the bank for clearance they asked me to bring National Population Commission Certificate. What does it take and where to get it?
Pls how could I get the birth certificate for national population commission
Please can I get the population figure of kujama, rido, Riga chiku,rigasa andjaji. I need it for research
Please can I get the population value of both Tudun Wada and Barnawa with respect to the 2006 census? I need it for a research. Thanks!
Please what is the population figure of Richifa District in Soba Local government area
Please what is the population status of Karji, Kamazou and Mahutta areas of Cikun LGA, Kaduna
Please do your office issue death certificate?
Verified Business
The accuracy of the company profile for NATIONAL POPULATION COMMISSION, (KADUNA STATE OFFICE) is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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