Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited - Oyo, Nigeria
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Company name
Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited
A long Ife Odan Road, Awe, Oyo, Oyo, Nigeria
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Working hours
- Monday: 07:30 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 07:30 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 07:30 - 17:00
- Thursday: 07:30 - 17:00
- Friday: 07:30 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited (AFSH) was established in 1987 to produce high quality Day Old Chicks, Point of Lay Pullets and Commercial Table Egg. Our main objective is to produce high quality birds, in a highly hygienic environment using Special Insemination Technique from elevated breeder houses.
Amo birds are produced for optimum egg producing efficiency for layers and weight gain / feed conversion for broilers. These birds have consistently given value to farmers and have shown why it remains the “Only Source Farmers Can Trust”.
Amo birds are produced for optimum egg producing efficiency for layers and weight gain / feed conversion for broilers. These birds have consistently given value to farmers and have shown why it remains the “Only Source Farmers Can Trust”.
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Questions & Answers
Can I get create of egg in large quantity and how much is the price
How can I buy point of lay birds and how
Please I need Manuer in large quantities, can i get it from you?.
Please do you normally inject your pullet Marek's vaccine right in your hatchery? I bought 350 pullets through Metro Vet and I want to confirm if they have being given. Thanks.
Please what is the price of day old layers and when can I get it delivered if I make bookings for 5000? Aswell how will I place order online?
Plz, how can I become a contract broiler farmer to your organization. I reside in Benin city. What are your terms and conditions?
Plz, how can I become a contract broiler farmer to your organization. I reside in Benin city. What are your terms and conditions?
I want to be a retailer that buying from your farm to resell in my area so what are the conditions before I could buy directly from your farm.
Please I want to know your egg Depot in ibadan cos I want to buy in large quantity starting from next week.
I want to know the locations of your depot in Lagos. And the procedures or process to follow in buying eggs from your depot.
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