Gateway Communications Nigeria - Lagos
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Gateway Communications Nigeria
3A Aja Nwachukwu Close, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
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Company description
Gateway Communications - No.1 in African Connectivity - Telecommunications, Satellite, Broadband, Carrier Services, Voice, Bandwidth and Business Network Services
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Questions & Answers
Why are deducting money from my Gtb account I don't have any business with you please refund my money 2k
Why are you deducted my money from my Gtb account ******** if you can't return my money back you will see
Pls I will like to know what is this place all about because money just get away from my bank account every time, pls kindly let me know what you are up to thank you.
Why have I been several charges on my account from this gateway lekki p, I'm taking serious legal actions
Please money has withdrew from my account with gtbank ******** to gateway+m lekki phase 1 NG, which I didn't initiate such transaction. This transaction toke place on 16-11-18 time 8pm, amount is 3700 naira, please I need my money back this is fraut. Please I will have no option left but to report to my bank and take legal action. Please help me identify this frouters and revact my money. Thank your Anthony E.
Money withdrawn from my account is meant for what please update me
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