Questions & Answers for Mojec International Ltd - Lagos, Nigeria

Here you will find questions & answers for Mojec International Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Dear Mojec,

I want to enquire about the cost of an MD prepaid meter for a 100KVA Transformer.
I am asked to pay to get a meter number for my new apartment before I can register for a meter online. How true is that?
An installed 3 phase Mojec prepaid meter after token activation and successful recharge is sign with close circuit. What does it mean?. Tripping off output light
My light went off and the meter is flashing a red light letting me know by credit has finished but after recharging, I plugged in my meter and usually the red light comes on but it didn't, I put In the code and it showed failed. Please what is wrong and how do I fix it?
Hi. Please, why is my mojec prepaid energy meter tripping on and off?
Pls can I get customer care number?
An installed 3 phase Mojec prepaid meter after token activation and successful recharge is sign with close circuit. What does it mean?. Tripping off output light
How do i replace a missing metre loader?
How can I get back missing meter pad? Please it's urgent.
My prepaid metre has refused to load new credit nor able to give account balance for two weeks running.
Is there a code I could use to load as I do not have light any longer?
Good evening Mojek,

Please, I got a mail for a single phase meter however, I prefered a 3 phase meter. How can I change it?
Since my meter was installed in have been in darkness still yet no answer from the office
I have done the MAP processing to get meter but no action taking, only to hear from IKEDC customers cate that very soon they visit my location since March 2020.
My account nun******** and ******** has been surveyed and I have been waiting for the payment voucher, you were waiting so you can increase the money right?
Well done
My mojec meter was put on a bad line which makes my meter trip off everytime the line drops. Please how do I get my meter changed from that line to a better one?
Please,I have a mojec metre which I can't recharge it because the keypad doesn't connect with the metre again. What can I do?
Pls how do we apply for prepaid meteres that the roll out will start on may1st
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