Review You lie a fucking freaking lot

You lie a fucking freaking lot
You should at least tell people the consequences of whatever treatment you give before you give it. You have done more harm than good to my teeth. I can't even give you a zero rating. I'm sure all these ratings are bot rating. Trash big fucking trash. You should better go and learn your work very well and try to add a little honesty to your business. You tell too much lies mehn too fucking much. You don't mind destroying people's teeth just for a little amount. FUCK YOU BIG TIME!!!
Sorry to see this outburst . Which doctor treated you and what was the recommendations or options given. If you aren't satisfied with treatments, kindly reach out to the doctor and sort it out. I'm sure it's some sort of a misunderstanding.
By the way, all reviews are 100% accurate and given by people who we know.
Let's assume but not conceded that you are right. Please can you go through the reviews on other listing platforms and reach a conclusion that all their comments and ratings are bots?. Are our before and after pictures fake too?

A call or a revisit is Ll you needed. You really don't need to showcase your outburst. I believe you're a learned gentleman.

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