Awoof Cars Sales Services International Limited35 B abisogun leigh,Ogba08023851599https://www.businesslist.com.ng/img/ng/x/_1687631762-85-awoof-cars-sales-services-international-limited.jpg
RX350 2010
I made a call to this company sometimes in November 2019 for the above mentioned car,Initially we had a disagreement for asking so much question because it took me about a month to make a decision,Having sent my deposit and they sent me three pictures in which i chooses one and they went ahead to get me a comprehensive report of my car(3500)was charges though and on that reports i was able to deduced so many errors in cars we buy from Nigeria here.A lot of secret,To cut the story short they shipped my car to Nigeria and i engaged my clearing agent though their clearing is kind of high compared to the one i did myself and asked why they said because they dont do short cut but i disagree and that was why i cleared my car myself and i have never had any custom issues whatsoever.I will advise them to get as many as clearing agent so that they dont keep loosing customers when it comes to clearing and they should be doing clearing on any car they bring.I really appreciate them for a good job .Though the arrival was more than the days stated in their profile but i understood as they always keep me abreast.Good job
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