3D Animation

About the product
During the program, you’ll learn how to render these same digital elements and pair them with sound to create design that moves. Our curriculum tasks you with creating complex animation, helping you learn to create projects on par with industry standards. At CMM, you’ll start with fundamentals like design and drawing along with studies in areas like color theory, design illustrations and interactive applications such as Maya, Zbrush and 3D Max.

Here you can work with the same hardware and software industry professionals creating a digital portfolio designed to impress potential clients. Our animation programs can prepare you for such entry-level positions as 3D animator or modeler, 3D texture artist, assistant animator, compositor, production assistant, or concept artist at places like commercial post-production facilities, network and cable TV companies, interactive design firms, and more.

On completion of this course, students will be issued a Certificate In 3D Animation. Building upon the skills, students will complete two portfolio projects that challenge their Animation skills and build an understanding of how to design and manage multimedia in a professional context.

In addition to technical proficiency and creative development, this training will help you develop critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills that contribute to life learning, providing you with tools to help sustain a long and productive professional career in the entertainment and multimedia industry.
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