Voice of African Women for Human Dignity - Nigeria
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Listing - +9Years
With Us
Company name
Voice of African Women for Human Dignity
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00am -4:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00am -4:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am -4:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00am -4:00pm
- Friday: 8:00am -12:00pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Dr. Ankra PetersEstablishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Ours is a charitable and advocacy NGO caring for the poor, the needy and the marginalized Prov. 31:8-98 speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. One of the most widely spread and dangerous problems faced by humanity are that of poverty, hunger and starvation. There is nothing horrifying than the realizations that as we live our happy lives here, millions of our fellow human beings live in hunger and face starvation elsewhere.
One of the greatest reforms that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) brought was the rights and treatment of the poor. With the advent of Islam, Muslims were now obliged to look after the poor and were required to spend of their wealth to help the poor out. With this in mind we are collaborating irrespective of our religious,
Aims & Objectives
Curbing Tremendous Drains on the Economy and Moral Values. To develop a system of public and private initiative that would be responsive to the needs of the vulnerable as well as the poor and improve upon the quality of life of the individual irrespective of their status in the society.
VAWHD Objectives
We will continually set targets to synergize with government and public to impact on the lives of the vulnerable
To set a standard for all tiers of government on how to care for needy and vulnerable
To partners with government to better the lot of aged disabled
To provide necessary materials for the needy.
Advocating for good governance through private initiatives and charitable programmes and corporate service social responsibility. To challenge the causes and effect of injustice, oppression and abuse and upholds human rights.
One of the greatest reforms that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) brought was the rights and treatment of the poor. With the advent of Islam, Muslims were now obliged to look after the poor and were required to spend of their wealth to help the poor out. With this in mind we are collaborating irrespective of our religious,
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or political affiliation to be the voices of these voiceless group of people in Nigerian and African continent.Aims & Objectives
Curbing Tremendous Drains on the Economy and Moral Values. To develop a system of public and private initiative that would be responsive to the needs of the vulnerable as well as the poor and improve upon the quality of life of the individual irrespective of their status in the society.
VAWHD Objectives
We will continually set targets to synergize with government and public to impact on the lives of the vulnerable
To set a standard for all tiers of government on how to care for needy and vulnerable
To partners with government to better the lot of aged disabled
To provide necessary materials for the needy.
Advocating for good governance through private initiatives and charitable programmes and corporate service social responsibility. To challenge the causes and effect of injustice, oppression and abuse and upholds human rights.
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Products & Services 3
- Develop a Global Partnership for DevelopmentOur programs are designed to improve the family life of our ...
- Reduce Child MortalityOur programs are designed to improve the family life of our ...
- Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other DiseasesOur programs are designed to improve the family life of our ...
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