Workmen Compensation Insurance

Workmen Compensation Insurance
About the product
Protecting Your Employees and Your Business

A key part of running your business is keeping employees safe at work. However, if a worker does suffer an injury, workers compensation coverage provides you and your employees with important protection.

Workers compensation coverage is a state-mandated insurance program that covers lost wages and medical treatment resulting from an employee’s work-related injury or illness. It also covers services needed to help an employee recover and return to work.

A Leader in Workers Compensation

As one of the nation’s leading carriers of workers compensation, we have the knowledge and resources necessary to:
•Assist injured workers in obtaining necessary medications for work-related injuries without out-of-pocket expenses
•Deliver top claims services with consistently superior outcomes
•Provide quality, affordable treatment for injured workers from our network of local medical providers

Proactive Risk Control Solutions

The most effective way to lower your total cost of risk is to prevent accidents from happening. Our full slate of risk control services, backed by the world-class resources,will help you do exactly that.

Resolving Claims Effectively and Efficiently

We know that every minute of lost productivity hurts your business, so we take pride in the fact that we close claims faster and at lower cost than the industry average.* Our expertise results in fewer days out of work for your employees and a significantly lower cost of risk for your business.

By employing highly trained specialists and sophisticated modeling techniques, we resolve claims quickly and effectively. Learn more about our claims services.

Looking for an integrated solution to also manage non-work related injuries? Learn more about our group disability and absence management employee benefits offerings.
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