Vega Power

Vega Power
About the product
Performance and specifications

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Male Enhancement Capsules - VEGA Power Capsule are the male power capsule that offers natural herbal formula containing herbs that helps in increasing health as well as supporting the issues related to Male health problems and other health problem. For gaining erection several body parts work in complete coordination, and an issue in any of parts makes it difficult for gaining as well as maintaining erection. The herbal capsules that act as Ayurvedic aphrodisiac and supports people in overcoming Male health problems as well as providing guaranteed satisfaction.
As herbal dietary supplement for male power enhancement
Possible benefits of formulation :
Helps in enhancing blood flow
Helps in stimulating nerve endings
Helps in enhancing strength and stamina
Helps in providing relief from high stress levels
Helps in enhancing the sex desire as well as also improving performance
Helps in improving the quality of life
Male health problems
Usage Directions:
One capsule needs to be taken twice daily with water, fruit juice or milk
Packaging Details:
60 Capsules - 1 month dose
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