NEOLIFE – Caroteniod Complex (1 x 90 Capsules)

NEOLIFE – Caroteniod Complex (1 x 90 Capsules)
About the product
Research suggests that diets with high levels of carotenoids, the natural source of colors in many fruits and vegetables, may offer several health benefits.

Carotenoids contribute to antioxidant activity in cellular lipids, support normal cellular growth and renewal, and assist healthy levels of immune cell activity.

Carotenoids promote cardiovascular health, including support for a healthy antioxidant response to LDL cholesterol. Additionally, carotenoids promote eye health, and may slow down some of the effects of aging.

There are more than 600 known carotenoids (e.g. beta-carotene), and it appears they are most effective when several types are consumed together. Only 3% of Americans eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Carotenoid Complex can help you bridge the gap between what you need to eat, and what you really do eat.

Whole-food ingredients: An exclusive blend of concentrates derived from whole tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots and peaches, plus pure olive oil in a lipid-soluble formula.
Significant immunity enhancement verified by three separate, independent studies by USDA researchers.

The most complete carotenoid supplement on the market. With every capsule, you get the naturally-occurring power of an optimal serving of fruits and vegetables including these 15 different carotenoids: Alpha-, Beta-, cis-Beta, Gamma-, and Zeta-Carotene, Canthaxanthin, Capsanthin, Cryptocapsin, Alpha- and Beta-Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Lycopene, cis-Lycopene, Violaxanthin and Zeaxanthin.

More antioxidant power than vitamins E and C.
One Carotenoid Complex capsule has the antioxidant power of 800 IU of vitamin E or 400mg of vitamin C.
Hundreds of pounds of carotenoid power. Each bottle contains the carotenoid equivalent of 250 pounds of the raw fruits and vegetables it’s made from.

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