How to Prepare Beans and Fried Plantain

How to Prepare Beans and Fried Plantain
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How to Prepare Beans and Fried Plantain

• 800g honey beans
• 1 pack Sympli Ripe Plantain Slices
• 4 medium tomatoes
• 4 small fresh red peppers
• 2 medium red bell peppers
• 1 medium sized onion bulb
• 3 garlic cloves, minced
• 240mL palm oil
• 1/2 tsp curry powder
• 1/2 tsp thyme
• 2 seasoning cube
• 1/2 tsp ground pepper
• Salt to taste

How to Prepare Beans and Fried Plantain using Symplinatural Recipes;
Add 140cl water to a pot and set on medium heat. Wash beans thoroughly to rid it of excess dirt and place in the boiling water.
Next, add tomato, red bell peppers, fresh red pepper, onion and garlic in a food processor or blender. Blitz for 30 seconds on medium speed till a not-so-smooth purée is formed.
Heat up palm oil in a small pot and add blended purée. Stir gently, and leave to fry on medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.
When beans is 80% cooked, add fried blended purée and all other ingredients. Stir gently, and leave to cook until beans are soft. Add water if more is required.
In a mixing bowl, add Sympli Ripe Plantain Slices and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly to combine.

Using a cooking tong, gently drop ripe plantain piece after piece into the hot oil, being careful not to overcrowd the pan. Fry on both sides for 3-4 minutes, until lightly browned.
CAUTION: The oil may bubble and pop out of the fryer. Place only one piece at a time into the hot oil. Fry only moderate amounts of frozen food at a time, making sure to remove freezer burn or any excess ice before cooking. If frozen pieces get stuck together, they should be allowed to defrost slightly and then broken up before inserting into hot oil. DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED WHEN FRYING.
Serve fried Sympli plantain with beans.
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