Loan at the lowest Rate

Loan at the lowest Rate
About the product
Access Loan at the lowest Rate Every. We grant loan as low as 1.8%monthly without collateral.

Cooperative Loan
Every member of the society is entitled to one type of loan or another per time . It is a fundamental cooperative practice to allow members to borrow an amount not exceeding twice their cumulative savings. member seeking loan must have contributed consistently over a minimum period of 3 months with no other running loan with the cooperative. Praise Cooperative has one of the lowest interest rate you can imagine.

Quick Loan
we have designed a very unique model that allows our members borrow any amount that is about enough for their need even if the amount exceeds twice their savings. They only have one or two extra requirements to meet if they can meet and convince us of the viability of the need for which the loan is being required. We are fair, considerate and supportive in our loan processes and management.

Corporate Loann
This loan is designed for members of any organisation that belongs to our cooperative. For a member of staff of any organisation to enjoy such loan, the organisation mush have minimum of 10 staffs registered under Praise Cooporative and the management of such organization is willing to deduct and remit from their salary both contributions and repayments. The Rate on this loan is lower compare to what is obtainable elsewhere however, the company (their interested staffs) must have contributed for a period not less than 2 months before been able to access these facility.

Salary Advance
Members who have financial commitments and want money before payday can avail themselves Money is made available for pressing needs at a percentage and members pay back at the end of the month. A non-member may take the payday loan but must be guaranteed by a member of the cooperative society.
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