Savings and Contributions

Savings and Contributions
About the product
Tenured Savings
Saving is a compulsory cooperative practice. We encourage our members to save today in order to meet tomorrow's rising needs. Members are to specify an amount to be contributed on a monthly bases.The Minimum amount to save on a monthly bases is N10, 000 and multiples of N5, 000 which you earn monthly interest income. An amount must be specified by every member as monthly savings. A member can choose the number of years to contribute for ranging from 3years to 10years. A member can decide to break the contributed before the expiration or elongate the tenure at the expiration of the tenure. The determinants of interest on members savings are the prevailing Interest Rate and Interest earn on members contribution through Loan.

Retirement Savings
Not every worker or business owner has a retirement savings account with a PFA .We therefore encourage members who are still active to start saving into their future and earn great interest on their savings. A member is at liberty to withdraw or break his or her contribution but we will rather advice such member collect loan from the cooperative so that his contribution remain untouched. The interest on Retirement savings is usually higher than tenured savings because of the length of time. Also an insurance policy is also attached to such Savings.

Term Deposit
For a member with idle fund seeking for where to invest, we accept such fund and add it to our pool of fund which is invested in the money market with our Fund Managers at a high yield. The advantage of placing fund with the cooperative is the fact that we have a better bargaining power because of the volume of fund at our disposal .Also we are exposures to information in the money market that will enable us make an informed decision without our members losing the investment. In case of termination, a member is required to notify us and he gets his money within 48hours.
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